Monday, November 21, 2011

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving...

 This year I am thankful for:

  1. The strong support I received from friends during a very trying time.
  2. The learning experiences I have been given and my ability to push myself past traditional boundaries.
  3. My therapist for helping me see things more clearly.
  4. My newfound independence and newfound outlook on life.
  5. That those around me have experienced less stress and pain this year.
 This year definitely presented me with new and intense challenges. For those of you this year who showed me unconditional love, support, checking-in on me, laughing with me, experiencing life with me, lending an ear for me, being my very vocal cheerleaders...Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I truly needed that. The people and experiences above have help set me up for a life of success and possibilities. I have managed to grab the reigns and am taking control of life and all it has to offer.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Done Any Good Daydreaming Lately?

The ability to daydream has to be one of the best gifts mankind has been blessed with.

I find daydreaming to have very positive affects on who we choose to identify ourselves as on any given day.  

Moderate daydreaming is almost a necessity for me. I believe the art of daydreaming keeps you mentally sharp, sparks creativity, gives you hope for the future, motivates you and encourages goal setting, and allows you to push the boundaries within your own mind as well as those created by outside sources. 

No matter how outrageous our daydreams are, they must hold at least an ounce of truth about ourselves and a clue to our true potential. If they didn't, then why do so many people daydream and recall their daydreams with such emotion?

It is the earliest process that helps create the next President, the next Tim Burton, the next Steve Jobs, the next artist, doctor, acrobat, magician, political/environmental activist or whatever else you can think of. 

So how about letting your daydreams take over for at least a moment each day...maybe you will learn a little more about yourself and discover the key to your true potential ; )

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Love Letter to Myself

Dear Me,

I'd like to take a minute to give thanks for me. I deserve a slice of cheesecake, a chair massager and the Relsilience Award, because I think I truly rock!

Remember earlier this year, when I did all my charity work, competed in my first obstacle course and skydived? Not to mention the fact that I frequently try to help those close to me without hesitation. Someone with my caring, creative, adventurous and humorous attributes should be feted with a huge party!

So this weekend, I vow to take at least a few hourse for me. I'll craft, give myself a nice hot bath followed by a hot cocoa and pedicure, and give someone special a call that I have the most enlightening conversations with. I may even wear my new dress and refer to myself as Ms. Hottie all afternoon!

Starting now, I'll remember to acknowledge that I deserve time for my hobbies and space for my meditating/reflection. In short, I'm going to enjoy the heck outta myself every day!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Expressions of Gratitude

Sorry all for disappearing most of this week :).

As the week ends, it would be considered good karma to look back and think of the things you are grateful for this week. So for me I am grateful this past week for...

(1) the creative energy that I was able to find within myself and was able to act on.
(2) the motivation I gave myself to prepare fresh/healthier meals for most of the week.
(3) supportive co-workers.
(4) beautiful fall weather.
(5) the re-emergence of the season for hot chocolate :)
(6) reassurance and support I received from close friends.
(7) the opportunity to slow down and take a break in this fast-paced world.

This weekend I intend to show my gratitude by,
(1) offering up my time to volunteer with children and mothers from abusive households.
(2) continuing to clean my apartment to create an atmosphere of cleanliness, motivation, clarity and productivity.
(3) donating clothes I no longer fit.
(4) accepting rest during the day to promote a healthier mind/body.

What are you grateful for this week and how do you intend to show your gratitude?

Happy Friday

Make the most of your weekend :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

15 Interesting Facts About Me

  1. I like to fall asleep to Comcast soundscapes.
  2. I am ambidextrious and trained to draw with both hands.
  3. I don't know how to ride a bike.
  4. I have a secret love for 80s music.
  5. I had a large collection of seashells collected from my trips and from friends/family up until my late teens.
  6. One of my ears sits lower than the other.
  7. I still watch (and love) kids cartoons.
  8. My current obsession is with ancient & current Indian/SouthEast Asian art and culture.
  9. But ancient Egyptian art and culture has been my favorite all my life.
  10. I won a burping contest between a group of boys in 5th grade. One liked it so much he became my secret boyfriend :)
  11. I love crafting.
  12. I'm addicted to researching things on the internet.
  13. I don't really like deli sandwiches.
  14. I'm a pretty resourceful person and can find a use for almost anything if I think hard enough.
  15. I can either be extremely outgoing or extremely shy.

It's Dance Your Pants Off Monday!

Happy Monday!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


After a year of designing, crafting and procrastinating...I finally launched by jewelry web site! And I get to write one goal off of my fall bucket list :)

Please show your support and take a look at all of my wonderful jewelry designs available for purchase.
While there are only a few items up at the moment, I couldn't help but celebrate my achievement!

There will be plenty more items up for sale in the coming days...stay tuned!